
Donate to a Living Legacy

If you would like to make an ongoing postive difference in your community, please consider leaving a bequest in your will to the Catalytic Foundation.

It is an easy process, and how much you leave is entirely up to you. With the robust grant allocation processes we have in place, as well as the support we have from highly experienced investment experts, you can rest assured that your legacy will be well managed.

How to remember Catalytic Foundation in your will

We would love to talk to you about how we would manage your bequest. If you would like to include the Catalytic Foundation in your will please fill in this form

✅ Your gift will be invested and grown in a managed fund. Earnings from this fund will benefit the community in perpetuity.

✅ Your gift will be managed by highly experienced investment experts

✅ Returns from your gift will be distributed to endorsed community charities as part of the Catalytic Foundation's annual grant process